Essential Pelvic Health Workshop Series

Take a deeper dive into some common (but not normal) pelvic health symptoms.  We will explore  the effects of the breath, posture, and pelvic floor muscles on bladder health, bowel health, sexual health, and quality of life.  How to identify potential dysfunction, and how to manage your symptoms as well as prevention.

9 Modules

Happy Bladder 101

Bladder health, signs and symptoms, various diagnoses, and treatment approaches.

Potty Mechanics (a constipation toolkit)

Discover the role of the pelvic floor muscles with bowel health. I will review some life hacks everyone should know when they go.....

The Pelvic Floor of Your Core

Discover the 4 main components of your deep anticipatory stabilizing core system. We will discuss how to tap into this system through breath and posture for safe pressure management and stabilization throughout your day.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)

We will discuss what POP means, what role the pelvic floor muscles play, and strategies for management and prevention.

Pain Free Sex to Orgasm

Let's discuss how to not only eliminate pain during intercourse, but to one step further and achieve pleasure. Pleasure and intimacy can be an ultimate goal for living life to it's fullest!

Pelvic Floor 101: Functions, Posture, Breath

Coming soon!!!

Modules for this product 9
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 Pelvic Health Workshop Series
 $50.00 USD

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